Monday, December 7, 2009


It's amazing that thoughts one has when they are at the brink of collapsing in the state of exhaustion, which is where it seems I sut all to many times. My thoughts aren't always as coherent bit really that's about all they gt out of me at work. The sta date 9 to 5 bull ahit drives me up the wall then on top of the tine I spend drivinand eating the majority of my time is spren bei g more aof a waste than what feel as bei g productive. I guess that's is where I lie, but what would I dk if I had an j finite amu t of time or energy to do all the things I thought I wanted. It seems like yesterday I could just sit and lose myself in a computer game or a book or a movie and completely Immerse my self into the atory and lose my sense of reality for while but now reality is always looming behind me in this dull greed ridden world. At least while I as at school I could manage my time better and look into things that seemed to have more of an interest in. Now it seems I can't even dot an eye without havig to have another person look Ilover it.