Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hiding behind our in securities: reminder to myself.

  • "Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength."

It is easy to hide behind our insecurities.  Turn the failures into something positive and don't give up.  Conquer everything that holds you back.

  • "Strength is born in the deep silence of long-suffering hearts; not amid joy."

Breaking the mold of habit is hard.  The only way to reap the benefits is to suffer through it.  There are no easy parts in life, but hiding behind normality will never allow anyone to better themselves.


  • "Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity."
    - Christopher Morle

Dive into new stuff.  This is the only way to find more out about ourselves.  Continue to keep your mind learning.  Never let  yourself get so habitual you don't have to think during the day.  The mind will die.


  • Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death.
    - James F. Byrnes

Take risks.  If you try to stay too safe people are missing too much life.  But don't be so risky as to completely disregard your experiences.  Learning is slow.


  • "Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it."
  • "Consider again that dot, that's here, that's home, that's us.  On it everyone you love, everyone you know everyone you ever heard of lived out their lives."

We live on a planet in a universe.  Earth is 1/300th of the size of the sun.  Will our lives actually impact much in the scheme things?  We are but a lonely spec, not much bigger than a piece of dust.  Why fear when it doesn't really matter other than to ourselves.  Don't hold back and live without fear!  Don't be stupid


There are three truths:

1) a student, forever, weather i liked it or not

2) a philosopher, as we ALL are, each and every one of us are always going to living our own lives our way and that is the living representation of our own philosophies of life

3) my life as me defined by my actions

-Zi Jing Pan

All we can do is live, experience, understand, and learn.  We live by what we learn.  It may only be our personal understandings of things, but there is no way to know the true way of what it is the world is, so that's the next best thing.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Meaning of Life

The meaning of life. Who would have ever thought googling the meaning of life would bring about the answer, but I realize that there is really no wrong meaning of life; there is no right answer and I decided what ever I choose it to be.

I worried about this for several years. Probably since I started college and bounced around what the popular ones were, but they don't really fit it. It was the drive to conform to society, but in most cases I don't really like where society is and where it is going. When I take a step back and look at it from different point of views, it seems more like humanity is just a fancy ant farm.

I tried to use the logics of society to convince myself that I needed to find a Super power above my comprehension. Philosophy on this is still very interesting and I went to this realm to answer that ultimate question. I'm not ruling out that there is a philosophical God, its just no longer going to impact that endless dread of not knowing what the reason to live is for.

Trying to fit in with the ways of my upbringing impacted some of my career decisions, but still there are some things that I do conform to. That may be hypocritical but its hard to operate in society with out conforming to some patterns that it lays out. I have to eat and have shelter.

I'm no longer going to worry about the mark I leave on the world. That was another struggle, I wanted to leave remnince of my existance on the world, but even the invention of the lightbulb has been mostly forgotten. They are there, and they are no longer an object of admiration. So what this leads me to is if I'm not enjoying the things I'm doing just to make that mark that will eventually be forgotten, its just a waste of my time. If its meant to leave a mark it will.

Even if there is a right answer and I'm completely wrong, I will wait for it to show up, but I'm going to quit worrying about it. Overall this has helped me to become happier (even though its only been a couple days).

Live happy, get big(thing bicepts!), and ride fast.