Sunday, November 29, 2009


I’m going to go on a rant here so bear with me (warning my brain is dead).

Over my last adventure to my grandparents, I get the pleasure of sharing my four day vacation with my  family.  Now if you don’t know me :P, I had a small attachment to a cartoon show over my high school years.  My mom brings this up, non-chalantly and to get a shortcut to the point, she played it off as me being a emo child that had nothing better than a stupid tv show.  So the family spent 15 minutes giving me shit over me yelling over this show.  What was this show to me?

Alright so I move from a school, where I feel comfortable and have a good group of friends to a school in the middle of no where in MIssouri.  I’m already self conscious about my weight (180 at about 5’ 3”), but I have engrained in my head that people don’t like me because of my weight.  I don’t go out of my way to talk to anyone, even with the people I know (because I don’t want to get in the way or be a hamper), much less with people that I don’t.  Ever get that weird feeling that people wonder what you are doing when you walk up and start a random conversation? well its always like that.  What is my escape?

This t.v. show that I went emo over, was the one thing that kept me happy.   I was so attached to the characters in the story and the story itself that I didn’t really care about not talking to many people, but at least I could get my thrills through this story.

This sets up my rant on perspective.  The older generation loses their sight of the future with their attachment to the ideas of the past.  At a certain point our parents were once the pioneers of the future, so the new generation has to take over. Not everyone gets blinded to their experience, but in the case of my family they get blinded by their experience and forget to apply it to the new.  Sometimes the thinkers are shoved down vs. the appliers of our knowledge.

I think this is probably the fundamental part of our problem in our society.  We are blinded by our own perspectives to see the other side.  Science for religion, Christianity vs. Islam.   Young vs. old.

We are penalized by this inability of the human race, and really as a whole we are held back by this fact.  I think if you are too dumb to be able to cast yourself into someone else’s shoes, you should be cast out of the pool (you can take this as you will).  Thinkers should prevail for our society vs. the mechanical appliers of what we’ve learned. 

P.S. politicians are dumb and most of the government is really too dumb to make it operate right, but that’s for another day.

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